Here are a few tips to help with mindfulness:

Practice Gratitude

Look at situations as privileges rather than burdens. Wake up and think of things you are grateful for, and say

them out loud!

Live In The Moment

Be present in the moment and observe your surroundings. Create memories rather than regrets! If you try, your efforts will be rewarded!

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries as far as screen time on your phone, tv and other electronic devices. Disconnecting will help you declutter your mind.

Go Outside

A great way to meditate is to just get outside. Go for a walk, hike through

the woods, walk barefoot through the grass, or go outside and sit in the sun!

Focus On Your Breathing

Controlling your breathing can go a long way towards changing your mood. Be mindful and self-aware of your breathing! The most basic way to do mindful breathing is to focus your attention on your breath, the inhale and

exhale. You can do this while standing, but ideally you'll be sitting or even lying in a comfortable position.

What is mindfulness?

Have you ever just sat down and been fully present in the moment? Noticing the sounds, your thoughts and feelings, paying attention and truly being present, if so then that is mindfulness!

According to the American Psychological Association (APA.org, 2012), mindfulness is: “…a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. In this sense, mindfulness is a state and not a trait. While it might be promoted by certain practices or activities, such as meditation, it is not equivalent to or synonymous with them.”

“[Mindfulness is] the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.” - Merriam-Webster

Mindfulness is being aware and paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment in our lives. It allows us to not only be fully present, but mindfulness cultivates the environment for our perspective to not be limited during certain situations that may create reactions in us that are from a limited perspective due to our repetitive thought patterns.

Why is it important?

Mindfulness is important because it allows us to take life off of autopilot and take control of our thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Have you ever tried something new and if you tended to struggle in the beginning, you automatically told yourself you weren’t good at it? Being negative about the circumstances of the current situation wouldn’t allow you to be fully present, nor would you be able to put in full effort and focus on the new task because your effort and energy is being spent on negative perceptions.


Imagine if you had an attitude of openness and you didn’t judge your performance, and you accepted all that came with the new challenge? Accepting the anxiety, the feelings, the accomplishments or lack thereof and not feeling the need to be good at something in the beginning?

This attitude would lead to better results! By observing and feeling the present moment, instead of initially reacting to the present moment, allows you to have a more open perspective which would lead to a more effective response.