
Find Your Focus Area

This quiz will help you identify your areas of need.
Take your time, answer honestly and then find your focus area.

1 / 30

Have you transferred schools in the last 6 months?

2 / 30

Are you in/entering your first year of college? Are you in/entering your last year of college?

3 / 30

Has a recent coaching change affected your performance?

4 / 30

Are you confident in your ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances?

5 / 30

Do you handle change well?

6 / 30

I have felt like quitting my sport in the past 6 months.

7 / 30

I am motivated by having hope for the future.

8 / 30

I am a self-motivated person.

9 / 30

I regularly set goals and objectives to achieve my vision for my life.

10 / 30

When working on my goals, I put in maximum effort and work even harder if I've suffered a setback.

11 / 30

I have worried about my future in the last two weeks.

12 / 30

I sometimes anticipate the worst in situations.

13 / 30

I have had a difficult time relaxing in the last two weeks.

14 / 30

I sometimes feel on edge or tense before a game, practice, or workout.

15 / 30

I sometimes have difficulty relaxing.

16 / 30

I feel that I am inferior to others in some way.

17 / 30

I feel confident in my athletic, academic, and social abilities.

18 / 30

People's judgements/criticisms of me affect the way I see myself.

19 / 30

I am self-aware of my thoughts and how they impact my outlook on who I am.

20 / 30

I sometimes doubt my athletic, academic, and social abilities.

21 / 30

I keep a positive attitude during difficult situations.

22 / 30

I take time to reflect on my day.

23 / 30

I feel equipped with skills to handle stress.

24 / 30

I take time to reflect on my emotions.

25 / 30

I have a method of reflection where I meditate, journal, or pray.

26 / 30

I eat breakfast everyday.

27 / 30

I feel energized during the day.

28 / 30

I desire to gain or lose weight for my athletic performance and/or physical appearance.

29 / 30

I am able to fall asleep easily at night when I want to.

30 / 30

I sleep on average between 7-9 hours a night.